The Tufts Career Center can help you with all facets of career development:
▪ Career Coaching
▪ Job and Internship Listings
▪ Campus Recruiting
▪ Resume and Cover Letter Preparation ▪ Interviewing Tips
▪ Applying to Grad School
and much more!
From your first year to your last, and even after you graduate, we can help you in making career decisions, exploring careers, setting goals, and developing skills and strategies to realize these goals.
Attention Seniors! If you’re anything like me, you’ve already suffered from more than a few nervous breakdowns stemming from wondering what life will be like post-graduation. You might be worrying about living arrangements, maintaining a long distance relationship or keeping in touch with all of your friends. Above all, you’re probably quite nervous about jobs...specifically, crossing your fingers that you’ll actually find one.
I’m here to suggest that you consider an option that may not have crossed your mind before – working for the government. Are you groaning yet? Hear me out. There are a lot of misconceptions about federal jobs flying around out there. You may have heard that you'd be resigned to working in D.C., that they all entail soul-sucking desk work, or that they pay next-to-nothing. Not true!
I urge you to take a look at sites such as and They help to dispel a lot of the myths about federal employment with a variety of uplifting facts and figures. Consider the following:
the retirement of baby boomers means that the government needs to hire tens of thousands of new employees…and quickly!
paltry paychecks are a myth – in fact, government salaries are comparable to those in the private sector; you also have access to great benefits and job stability
the government may be able to help you pay back student loans – or even foot the bill for grad school!
85% of government jobs are located outside of D.C; there are also opportunities to work abroad
On top of that, these sites are full of exciting internship and job listings, such as the DIA Summer Intern Program with the Department of Defense, which offers hands-on experience in areas ranging from Foreign Area Studies to Toxicology to Intelligence Analysis. Boring? Not quite. Take a little time to peruse these sites. After doing some research, you may be surprised at how exciting a job with the federal government may be (not quite Men-In-Black caliber, but pretty close).
I Joined LinkedIn...Now What?You've probably heard about LinkedIn (the largest professional networking site online) and you may have even signed up, but what should you do to make the most of this tool? Here are some LinkedIn reminders (some will be comm…Read More
Clean Up Your Digital Dirt!A recent graduate of a small upper Midwest university was only a few weeks into her first post-graduation job when the boss called her into his office. He had discovered the young woman’s personal blog, where she had been wri…Read More
Ask the Career Counselor: Salary ExpectationsOkay, so you're filling out an application and you see a question asking about your salary expectations. Yikes! What now? Well, as you can imagine, you wouldn't want to address this question without doing some research. Your …Read More
Prepare For The Fair--Part 2: I'm Here! Now What? This is the second installment in our annual "Prepare for the Fair" series. If you haven't already, read "Part 1: Do your Homework." At the Fair: So you’re here, sleek and dressed-to-impress, ready to mingle in this co…Read More