For college students, locating an internship or a job is a source of tremendous stress. However, there are various resources available to help make this process a little easier. One such resource is CareerSearch. CareerSearch is a large and comprehensive database that allows students to search for employers by location, industry, and other variables. Tufts students can access it by logging into WebCenter ( and selecting ‘Career Services Web Resources’ from the drop down menu under the Navigation tab. CareerSearch is listed on the next page.
CareerSearch Step-by-Step:
- CareerSearch allows an individual to determine what search type s/he would like to use. One can choose from a variety of search tools, including US Search, International Search, and Contacts Search.
- Suppose an individual chooses to search in the US; next, she would check off all of the industries in which she is looking for a job or internship. Multiple industries can be selected, if desired.
- Choose the location of her desired job or internship, based upon region, state, zip code, etc.
- Specify different keywords to incorporate into the search, whether it is the name of a particular company or the name of a particular contact. Be careful, though, as this keyword search isn’t like Google; it might actually rule out companies of interest if the terms are too specific.
- Click “Get Results” to see what companies arise.