Sunday, February 22, 2009

Kathy and Career Services - Figuring Out the Future: Part II

I met with Donna, one of the advisors in Career Services. She asked me a series of questions about how I perceive my surroundings and how I choose to deal with different goings-on in my life. In this visit, she presented me with the results of my Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which revealed that I am an ESFJ personality type. After discussing what that means, I felt that the results were incredibly accurate.

Here are some of the things I learned:

  • I prefer work tasks that involve interacting closely with customers and clients, building consensus on teams and communicating the value of a project

  • I enjoy working in an environment that offers a family-like atmosphere, fosters a sense of belonging, and emphasizes teamwork

  • I am prone to spending too much time in unproductive networking, may have trouble adjusting plans to respond to unexpected opportunities, and may be overly influenced in my decision-making by what I think others want

  • I am able to work closely with others to accomplish specific goals, I have a good sense of what customers or co-workers need or want, and I am good at expressing appreciation for others and recognizing their contributions

The results detail ways that I can further build upon my strengths and also how I can work on overcoming my weaknesses.

Next up, how my MBTI personality type may relate to careers that could be good for me…

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