The Tufts Career Center can help you with all facets of career development:
▪ Career Coaching
▪ Job and Internship Listings
▪ Campus Recruiting
▪ Resume and Cover Letter Preparation ▪ Interviewing Tips
▪ Applying to Grad School
and much more!
From your first year to your last, and even after you graduate, we can help you in making career decisions, exploring careers, setting goals, and developing skills and strategies to realize these goals.
Don't miss Jobs for Jumbos - a job & resource fair just for YOU! Wednesday, April 7, 12 - 2 pm 51 Winthrop Street Dress is business casual
We look forward to seeing you there!
GET A JOB Meet employers who are hiring AS&E seniors for non-technical positions NOW. Check out the list of employers who'll be there: GET A PLAN Manage finances and school loans, apartment hunting, dressing for work
GET AHEAD Master social media, develop a 60-second networking script, avoid fatal interviewing flaws
We're All In This TogetherFirst and foremost, please excuse the title of this post. I'm not proud that I made an allusion to High School Musical, but it does sum up my sentiments fairly well...As is probably the case for most seniors entering their la…Read More
Career Services Resource Spotlight – The NEW Vault Online LibraryHere at Career Services, we make it our priority to update you about the latest tools available for writing resumes, learning about employers, applying to internships, going on job interviews, etc. Last April, we featured a b…Read More
Alum Aid - Voices from '09 gradsAs I may have stated a few times before, I am a second semester senior, and this makes me a bit nervous. For those of us without job offers or plans to venture off to grad/law/med school, the waters are a bit murky. And for t…Read More
Do You Like to Pretend You're Ryan Seacrest?Do you? Not really? Ah don't have to be 5' tall and have an odd affinity for hair products in order to appreciate this upcoming event:Jobs in the Media: Tips for Seniors, Wednesday, Nov. 18th 7pm - 9pm Dowling 745(…Read More
Job Search Boot Camp for Seniors - Registration opens today!If you're a senior, you may be getting some of those inevitable senior year questions; in fact, perhaps you've already been asked the most common question - "What are you going to do after graduation??"Flashback to my senior …Read More