Monday, August 15, 2016

SMFA & Tufts: Art Resources for Creative Careers - PART 1 - Job Search Resources

As you may have heard, it’s official: the School of the Museum of Fine Arts is now part of Tufts University School of Arts and Sciences. The Tufts Career Center is thrilled to welcome the SMFA faculty and staff and students to Tufts.

The Career Center at Tufts will continue to ensure that all Tufts students at the Somerville/Medford campus as well as the School of the Museum of Fines Arts at Tufts in Boston have the necessary career services support to navigate their evolving path from an art student to a creative professional. Students from the Museum School and in Arts, Sciences, and Engineering can visit the Tufts Career Center for career development, graduate school advising, and more.

Come by during daily drop-in hours this fall, or schedule an appointment to speak to an advisor- we’re open all summer! We can help you with your cover letters, resumes, networking, internship search, job search, and more. The Tufts Career Center offers career resources specific to SMFA students, including information on art careers, residencies, and the creative job search. Come in and see how we can help you identify your career goals and gain the skills, resources, contacts, and tools necessary to achieve them. Whether you are deciding on a major, exploring careers, looking for an internship or job, or considering graduate school, we can help.

This is part 1 of a 3-part series featuring creative career resources for students. In this series, we will review the following art career topics:
  1.   Job Search Resources in Creative Industries
  2.   Residencies
  3.   Careers in Education and in Museum
For now, start out by learning about job search resources in creative industries.

SMFA and Tufts: Creative Career Resources

The Career Center provides resources for job and internships in many creative fields including advertising, graphic design, fine art, museums, art administration, and more. SpotlightOnCareers can help you explore more career options, offering a deep dive into many career paths and industries. In addition, you can meet with a career advisor at the Tufts Career Center to learn about more specialized resources. Advice on resumes, cover letters, and career exploration is also available through appointments as well as on our website. And daily drop-in hours start again in the fall semester!

If you’ve just graduated and need some inspirational stories from other artists, check out our Creative Futures Blog and our SMFA Internships Blog. Read about how other artists got their internships and rose to their current positions. Not only do they feature current and past projects, but also provide useful advice for career development. Be sure to check out the current events, job fairs and spotlight internships!

If you’re looking for a job, the creative industries offer a wide range of options for students from any major. You can find creative jobs in the music, arts, design, architecture, theater, and fashion industries. Whether you’re looking for an internship, full-time job, part-time job or freelance opportunities, these resources can help you get started! You will also find resume and cover letter tips, galleries, and exciting events!

Here are additional Creative Career Resources:
American Association of Museums
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
Americans for the Arts Job Bank
Animation Blog (SMFA)
Art Deadline
Art Libraries of North America
Behance Network: The Creative Professional Platform
Chicago Artist's Resource
College Art Association
Creative Hotlist
Creative Pool (UK)
Fashion Net
Film and TV Jobs
Massachsetts Film Office
Massachusetts Production Coalition
MA Innovation & Technology Exchange (MITX)-Career Exchange
Museum Employment Resource Center
National Art Education Association
New England Film
NYFA Source (New York Foundation for the Arts)
Student Conservation Association
The Institute of Conservation
Tip Top Jobs
Worldwide Internships

Reminder: Stay tuned this week for the next blog in our Creative Career Resource Series: Art Residencies!

Anna Wang, Tufts '17
Kristin Casasanto, Assistant Director, Tufts Career Center

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