The Tufts Career Center is excited to welcome two students to the Career Services Ambassadors team. In addition to writing articles for this blog, our Ambassadors will also be helping to create content for and manage our social media outlets. Read their posts here, and stay up to date on the latest Career Center happenings by following @TuftsCareer and liking us on Facebook! And now, a welcome back post from one of our new Ambassadors, Nirvanna Lildharrie.
Hello, Tufts! My name is Nirvanna Lildharrie. I'm a senior from Long Island, NY, studying Sociology and Mass Communications and Mass Media Studies.
Aristotle said, "You are what you repeatedly do. (Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit)," so to properly introduce myself, here's a little more about what I do:
I'm the Business Manager of Shir Appeal, Tufts' ONLY Co-ed Jewish A Cappella Group (believe it or not), for which I sing mostly alto parts and arrange some groovy tunes. I work at Tufts Telefund (We're hiring!) and fund-raise for Tufts so all of you can continue to enjoy our university's high caliber of resources, financial aid, and global reach. I am the big sister of three and a babysitter of three awesome kids in the community as well. I have a ton of experience in social media, journalism, and marketing; and on my days off, I like to spend time with people I love and CREATE STUFF--I love re-purposing things, DIY, painting, and making music...
This school year, I'll also be one of your Tufts Career Services Ambassadors!
In my few days of working here at the Career Center, I've discovered a gold mine of information, resources, assistance, and furtherance buried in the back of Dowling. I, myself, had no idea that Tufts provided free career counseling, resume critiques, and had a plethora of events all year round to refine my professionalism and provide a networking platform for professionals I usually wouldn't (and potentially couldn't) interact with otherwise.
I'm a lot like you.
Before working here, I had stumbled upon the Career Center website from time to time--not really having the patience to navigate the clusters of information. I would sometimes skim over the events on TuftsLife, but never looked into them because I wasn't entirely sure if they were applicable to me or if I was ready to start thinking about my career. To be completely honest, "Career Services" was something I had heard about, but never really knew about.
But now--suddenly--I have begun my senior year. I'm suddenly hyper-aware of my limited time at Tufts, the impermanence of the college experience, and my adult life on the horizon. Suddenly, I wish I took advantage of the Career Center earlier on... And even more, I wish those opportunities were explained to me better. And that's where I come in.
My comrade, Morgan Kee, and I will be steadily working to make sure you're in the know about all of Career Center's invaluable events, info sessions, on-campus recruiting, and more. Our plan is to use social media to expose our endless resources to the Tufts public, making the Career Center a ubiquitous resource on campus, thereby increasing gross student confidence about life after graduation.
Where do we start???
Well, I've started by setting up an appointment with the Career Center to talk about post-grad plans and review my resume. I figured, "Hey, if I'm going to be working here, I might as well see for myself what this place really does!" It's my version of investigative work. Anticipate another post on my own career counseling experience very soon to give you the real, inside scoop on what to expect!
And you can start by subscribing to this blog, liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, and even setting up your own appointment today!
The Tufts Career Center is here for you. And with our new efforts in social media and marketing, there will soon be no doubt about it.
Best regards, Jumbos!
Until next time,
Check back tomorrow to learn more about our other fantastic Ambassador, Morgan Kee!
Welcome Back! Welcome Back! Welcome Back!
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