Friday, January 29, 2010

We're All In This Together

First and foremost, please excuse the title of this post. I'm not proud that I made an allusion to High School Musical, but it does sum up my sentiments fairly well...

As is probably the case for most seniors entering their last spring semester ever (cue the violins), I'm starting to get a tad nervous, mostly because it seems as though everyone else has a nice five year plan for after graduation. I know this can't really be the case, but that doesn't quell my anxiety any.

Some of my friends have jobs already. Several were pumped to receive their law school acceptance letters. I've spoken with a few who were excited about the prospect of working with Teach for America next year.

I am thrilled for them. Really. But their successes seem to remind me that I'm feeling a little unsure about what lies ahead. Law school? Med School? Peace Corps? Not for me. I haven't figured out my own personal road map yet.

Well, for all you who are feeling these infamous senior stressors right along with me, just remember that you're not alone. Regardless of where we are in planning our post grad lives, we're all going a little batty.

I asked two of my good friends, Molly Clark and Jay Romano, to be totally candid about their feelings regarding senior year:


Whew. Ok. There's lots I could say about the job search. I'm looking forward to having a steady income and being financially independent; I'm really excited to feel like a legitimate adult. I'm looking forward to wearing fun business clothing. I'm looking forward to feeling secure long-term, so that I don't have to keep wondering what my next job will be.

I'm nervous about not getting a job. I'm sure that's really obvious, but I'm committing to staying in Boston no matter what (I'm signing a lease soon, I hope), and it's really expensive. I know that if I don't get a job before graduation, I'll have to find and work multiple jobs to afford rent and other expenses. I'm also nervous about all the little parts of the job hunt: that my suit will be inappropriate, that I won't follow proper etiquette, that interviewers won't like me, that my handshake won't give a first impression, that I don't have enough job experience, etc. Basically, the entire process of finding a job makes me really nervous.

I'm trying to take full advantage of everything offered by Career Services. I've been to multiple counseling sessions about what to do in various stages of the job hunt. I've had my resume and a cover letter critiqued. I've had help using job search resources. I atte
nded the Job Search Boot Camp, where I did a short mock-interview and a networking call. All of these events have been more and more comforting to me, because I leave each one feeling more prepared. I found a job over the summer that I knew I wanted to apply to, but I didn't feel ready. I finally recently applied to it, because I finally felt prepared.


Of course I'm petrified! When I get that diploma come May, I have nowhere to go or anything to do right now, and I don't have an extra year of school waiting for me.

That being said, to prevent ma
joring in how to be a hobo, I am doing EVERYTHING I can to find myself a job. I come into Career Services about every few weeks, just to continue strategizing and get my lazy tush in shape to make sure I'm not missing out on anything.

My career advisor Donna has been great in helping guide me on the right path, introducing me to the right people, etc. while also letting me do the work on my own. Furthermore, I made good use of the Tufts Career Network at the beginning of the year, and will probably go back to it again.

Lastly, I do a lot of other work on my own, including talking to family contacts and friends. I like Career Services a lot, but networking never ends, so I have to do all that I can, and I feel as if talking to my family friends means I can be a bit more assertive, if that makes any sense.

See? These are two extremely intelligent, driven, well-rounded people who have done pretty well for themselves while at Tufts. They are plenty nervous too, yet there is not a doubt in my mind that they'll be running the world someday. A little worry can be a good thing - it motivates people to be proactive and start planning their futures. However, know that all of us seniors are in the same boat. We're uncertain about what lies ahead, but with the smarts, discipline and feistiness that defines us Jumbos, we will be just fine.

Want to chat with an advisor about your plans? Call Career Services at 617.627.3299.

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