Friday, December 4, 2009

Ask the Career Counselor: Staying organized during a job or internship search

"Ask the Career Counselor" is a new feature of the Career Services blog. Career coaches from the office will share answers to some of their favorite frequently asked questions from students and alumni.

Today's question: What is the best way to stay organized during my job or internship search?

Answered by: Susannah Krenn, Tufts Career Services

Many students tell me that it's challenging to keep track of applications they have submitted to employers. It's an understandable concern; there's the date you initially send your email or submit your documents on a website, the response you receive (if any) after that, your follow-up communication to reiterate interest in the position, messages to thank anyone from the organization who has helped you during the process, and so on. It's conceivable that you could communicate with an employer a half dozen times (or more!) during the course of the application process.

I'll be the first to admit that I've used a less-than-organized route in the past, i.e. scouring my sent mail box for communication with a particular organization. Wouldn't it be easier to set up a system for tracking these messages? It sounds like a common sense solution, and maybe you're saying "Oh, I already do that with my applications." If so - awesome! However, if you're like me and you still use the post-it note method of tracking important information, consider using a spreadsheet or similar tool to track your job or internship applications.

Here's a helpful example I received from a 2008 Tufts alumnus after his job search efforts resulted in an offer: Job Search Spreadsheet
This example has information about each application, including organization name and position title, important dates, and qualitative information about responses received from employers. You could also include details about networking contacts, the places where you found prospective jobs, and any relevant web addresses and emails. On a related note, it's a great idea to copy and paste job descriptions into Word docs before you apply, as they're sometimes difficult to find again, even if you return to the same website.
There are many "best practices" for staying organized during a search, so choose the method you think will be easiest for you. Here are a few more links to help you get started:

Don't forget all the great tools available through Tufts Career Connect! You can store resumes and cover letters, create job search agents to receive email updates with internships or jobs that interest you, and search a directory of employers that have been involved with Tufts.

JibberJobber is a career management tool that allows you to track your applications, follow companies that interest you, import contacts, and more. (Regular membership is free; upgraded memberships are also available.)

Questions about organizing your search? Call 617.627.3299 to schedule a time to chat with a career counselor. We look forward to seeing you!

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