Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tips for One Last Winter Break

As the fall semester comes to an end, I'm reminded once again of just how much of a senior I am. I'm not just talking about my lack of motivation or crippling need for sleep (for once). I'm also referring to the latest in a string of "lasts" that began recently and will continue until graduation: last fall gala, last college football game, and now last winter break. The idea of one final month-long break before I say goodbye to the sweetness that is the college calendar is enough to send me off a cliff of emotion. But, I'm instead going to remain calm and try to make the most of break, with a specific focus on preparation for life after Tufts, a reality that is approaching far too quickly for my liking. Outlined below is my plan for winter break, senior year edition:

First and foremost, get all of the sleep. ALL OF IT. This semester has been ridiculously busy for me - between two jobs, an internship, a full course load, and trying to juggle homework, clubs, friends and relationships, and my own personal happiness, I've been just a liiiiiittle bit completely overwhelmed. At some point, I just put my head down and barreled through the weeks, like a Greek soldier who fearlessly charges into the enemy's phalanx. Now that I've emerged from the fray, bruised and in extreme pain but somehow still alive, I am going to celebrate my survival by slipping into the state that most closely resembles death: sleep. (I should probably be concerned by how great that sounds right about now, but instead I think I'll just make another cup of coffee.)

Liz Lemon continues to inspire me.
Apps on apps on apps. After I wake from my week-long slumber, my top priority will be to fill out some job applications. I've tried to deny it until now, but there's no running from the fact that I'll be graduating in just about 5 months, and I should probably find something to do after they kick me off of this campus. What exactly will I do? Well, I could tell you, but I think instead I'll give the answer that I gave all of my relatives over Thanksgiving: "it's a surprise!" (Stay tuned for an actual answer to what I'm planning to do after graduation!) Jumbo Jobs is a great place to start.

Get all dressed up and talk about myself. The annual CIC Career Fairs - held in Boston, NYC, and DC - are coming up! These great events have a Career Fair in the morning and pre-scheduled interviews in the afternoon. The DC and NYC events will also lead into a Tufts Alumni networking event, featuring Jumbos who relocated to each city. I'll be at the Boston and NYC Fairs, and I'll hopefully see a few fellow Jumbos at these events. Interview pre-select deadline has passed, but you can still register for the morning career fairs where you may even land an afternoon interview! Be sure to check out these events if you're an underclassman interested in working in Boston, NYC, or DC!

Finals week spirit animal.

Need even more ways to fill up your winter break? Check out the Career Center's winter guides for all class years (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) for inspiration. The Career Center will also be open over break! Drop-ins are on hold, but you can make an in-person, phone, or Skype appointment 9-5 on weekdays.

Now is the time to not only take a break from school, but to focus on your long-term plans while you're not bogged down with homework. Get lots of rest, and I'll see you next year for one final semester of blogging! (*sheds first of many tears*)

Until next time,
Sean Boyden
Class of 2017

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  • Tips for One Last Winter BreakAs the fall semester comes to an end, I'm reminded once again of just how much of a senior I am. I'm not just talking about my lack of motivation or crippling need for sleep (for once). I'm also referring to the latest in a s… Read More