Friday, October 21, 2016

Introducing the 2016-2017 Career Fellows

Now in its second year, the Career Fellows program is once again bringing "by-students, for-students" service to the Tufts community! Career Fellows are professionally-trained students who have been hired by the Career Center to increase awareness of and participation in the programs and services offered by the Career Center. Fellows can meet one-on-one with students by appointment or during daily drop-in hours to discuss finding internships, resume/cover letter writing, and navigating Career Center resources. Career Fellows are an entry-point for Tufts students into the Career Center, and can provide guidance from a peer's perspective - they've been in your shoes before, meaning they can combine their personal experiences as a Tufts student with their professional training to provide unique and high-quality advice on your career journey! Here's a look at the Career Fellows team this year:

Drop-ins schedule:

Tufts Career Center, Dowling 740
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday: 12-2pm
Wednesday: 5-7pm

Name: Jorge Antón García

Class Year: 2017

Major: Computer Engineering

What’s the most exciting thing about being a Career Fellow?

Being able to talk to students about the awesome things they have been part of and have accomplished. I love digging into their experiences and listening to their amazing stories about what makes them passionate. In doing this, I begin to get to know them and they can also appreciate what they have achieved.

If you could give any advice to a Tufts Student, what would it be?

Have a good mix of classes within your major and some outside of it. Try out new things by joining clubs and realizing what work you like and do not like. This experience is very valuable personally when looking for jobs as you can get a clearer idea of what type of jobs you may be interested in. At the same time, within clubs you gain valuable work experience.

Name: Sean Boyden

Class Year: 2017

Major: Biopsychology, Community Health

What’s the most exciting thing about being a Career Fellow?

I love being able to spread awareness about the Career Center and its wealth of resources and services throughout the Tufts community.

If you could give any advice to a Tufts Student, what would it be?

You’ve only got four years here, and it goes by too fast. Take advantage of every opportunity, savor every moment, and make sure you leave here with no regrets.

Name: Sabrina Chishti

Class Year: 2017

Major: Biology and Political Science

What’s the most exciting thing about being a Career Fellow?

I’m really excited to meet and talk with so many different people!

If you could give any advice to a Tufts Student, what would it be?

Take advantage of everything that Tufts has to offer. From cool clubs, to interesting classes, to fun events—there is always something new and different happening on campus, and participating in them leads to a better Tufts experience.

Name: Anna Linton

Class Year: Senior, Class of 2017

Major: English, Psychology, Judaic Studies

What’s the most exciting thing about being a Career Fellow?

I am thrilled to have the chance to play even a small part in my peers’ professional journeys. Venturing outside the world of Tufts into the world of the professional can seem daunting, and totally overwhelming; but, as students set goals, make important career decisions, and take risks, I feel so lucky to have the resources and opportunity to help provide them with an approachable support system that can help break down intimidating goals into practical, manageable, steps.

If you could give any advice to a Tufts Student, what would it be?

It is so important that students know that we are here for them! No matter where someone is on his or her career journey, from prepping for a second round interview, to taking a first stab at putting together a resume, students should never hesitate to ask for help. Both at the Career Center and beyond, there is no pressure in asking for help, no expectations, and it is so critical to remember that no matter where you are, there are people who are willing and able to help out. There’s really nothing to lose!

Name: Shivani Shendye

Class Year: Senior

Major: International Relations and Economics

What’s the most exciting thing about being a Career Fellow?

I love that being a Career Fellow allows me to meet students that I may have never met before, and to offer them advice that helps demystify the internship or job search process. I truly believe in the importance of fostering student-to-student relationships especially in the realm of career planning because we have much that we can learn from each other.

If you could give any advice to a Tufts Student, what would it be?

My advice to a Tufts student would be to be a sponge. Not in the literal sense of course, but make it your goal to absorb as much as you can during your four years here. Take a class that you are curious about even if it has nothing to do with your major. Make it your goal to get to know all of your professors. Join as many student organizations as you can handle. Your experience here will truly shape what you decide to do after you graduate.

Be sure to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter (@TuftsCareer), and check our e-News and Calendar to stay up-to-date on what the Fellows are up to this semester!

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