Friday, February 12, 2016

What I learned in a week as a Wintern (illustrated through the season of Winter)

Hello, everybody! This is Nina back for semester two of career story telling and somewhat-sage advice!

I hope everyone had a great winter break with a lot of rest. As for me, I spent all but five days sitting on my couch recharging from the horrors that were finals.

For five days and five days only, I swapped my sweatpants for slacks, wedged myself onto the morning NYC subways, and hustled through Time Square for my Winternship at WNET.
Me transforming into "Intern-Mode" (source)

What's a Wintern?

Working during the wintertime is rough... (source)

If you're wondering, "What? Wintern? That's not a word!" You may be right--but it still exists!

The Winternship Program is a week-long internship run by the Tufts Film and Media Studies department. Interns apply and are selected for a role with a specific company where they are assigned a mentor - a vast majority being Tufts Alumni - and if you're savvy, some Winternships can turn into summer internships!

A Whole New Wintern-Wonderland!

Me going to my Winternship :) (source)

My Winternship was my first exposure to public broadcast media. As a print media gal, I hadn't considered the possibilities and intrigue of broadcast. It was a whole new way of storytelling that I had never considered.

But now, I'm looking into broadcast media for my summer internship--it's a new world of opportunities that I wouldn't be open to if I hadn't had my Winternship.

Of course, if things had gone the opposite direction where I end up not enjoying this industry . . . well, that's the beauty of a Winternship! It's a week-long experience - just enough to get a taste, but not long enough to have to make a major commitment.

Alumni Connections

Don't be afraid to introduce yourself (source)

My Winternship at WNET was very "Tufts-y" since I was working around THREE Tufts alums! Not only that, but CEO/Founder Neil Shapiro is also a Jumbo! This is a company that has a lot of Jumbo Pride, and it was great to hear how these successful alumni used their Tufts education to get to where they are today.

Wintern Highlights

Just embrace the wonderfulness of Winternships! (source)

I don't think I would have gotten as interested in broadcast and public media during my five days at WNET if it wasn't for the awesome professionals who took the time to talk to me and answer all my questions.

In the span of five days, I got to work with a new person every day. I was meeting people in sound production, editing, social media, reporting and producing. It was great to hear from all the different voices that contribute to the success of a program.

While the Winternship Program gives you the opportunity to get involved with great organizations, it's up to you to make the most of it. Ask questions, volunteer for new experiences, introduce yourself to people.

It's kind of like being a tourist in a new place: Pretend like this is the only time you'll see these people and be in this place. Be eager, intrigued, and exercise your right to ask lots of questions--make the most of it! You may find that such a mentality will make you want to come back again...

Thanks for reading!
Nina Joung
Class of 2018

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