Monday, January 4, 2016

Advice for your First Winter Break!

This is for the first years who have never had a Winter Break last more than two weeks. While upperclassmen discuss the Winternships they're doing or all the cool networking and applying they plan on doing, there's definitely a pressure to get some career stuff happening over the break.
Break will be here before you know it! (source)

As first-years (and second-years as well!), this is a good time to "prep" your career. You don't need to be out there working to work on your career development. Working on your career can be something you do from the comfort of your own couch this break!

Aww, the Career Center wants to see you, too! (source)
One resource that will be available to you over the break is the Career Center!  Here are a few ways you can work with them:
  1. Have a virtual appointment* The Career Center is open to your questions and resume critiques throughout the winter break. You can call or email any of your questions, and Skype appointments are available as well. Just call so that you can get in contact with the proper person.
  2. Have a Skype/phone mock interview* Not only is it important to practice how to conduct yourself during an interview, but there are specific things to practice during a Skype/phone interview as well! Here's some helpful tips on the different types of interviews from the Career Center website.
  3. Come on in! If you're local, come say hi to the Career Center! It's a bit slower this time of year, so there is more availability for appointments. Again, just call beforehand.
  4. Check up on our job/internship opportunities. Each day, employers are adding new opportunities for Tufts students for internship and job positions. Stay tuned!
  5. Look through our resources! The Career Center website has sooo much to offer on its own, including the Winter Break Guides for each class year.   If you ever get tired of your Facebook newsfeed, try switching to the Career Center website! We have resources for internship search, job or fellowship search, tips for resumes and cover letters, and so much more <-- so many hyperlinks!! :D
(*You can make an appointment by calling: 617-627-3299)
Whenever you're done with...whatever it is you're doing...(source)
A lot of what you can accomplish career-wise over break won't take more than a couple spare hours a week. Whenever you find time between Netflix episodes, maybe sit at your hometown café and leisurely work on one or a few of these career necessities:
  1. Create/Update your resume. This is especially important for freshman and sophomores who may not even have a resume. Without a resume you can't apply for a internship, and if you don't keep it updated, it could be a disaster trying to make changes right before a deadline!
  2. Create a LinkedIn profile. In the similar vein of having a resume, LinkedIn is a great way to connect with professionals and get noticed by recruiters. 
  3. Look for summer opportunities. Maybe the deadline is far away, but winter break is the perfect to start looking. Hopefully by next semester, you have a narrowed down list of opportunities that you can start applying for. And of course, you can bring this list to the Career Center for help on apps!
  4. Look at the Alumni page.  Tufts Alum extend to all career fields, and rest assured, there's nothing people love more than talking about how they got to where they are today. Send out a few e-mails asking for informational interviews and see what happens. But don't be too sad if they don't respond--it is the holidays after all...
There are a lot of important things to get done around break (source)
Speaking of the holidays, remember: It's still break! You deserve to laze around and enjoy your time with friends, family, and probably TV. Here's a list of non-career activities that I suggest:
  1. Do absolutely nothing for at least one full day
  2. Watch Netflix all day and night until other people think I've died
  3. Visit friends and family to reassure them that I'm alive
  5. Read a book! 
  6. Probably hug your dog/cat/gerbil/fish/pet rock (I have no pets--not even a pet rock, so I'm very jealous)
If you try to get a little bit of career work done each week, by the end of the break, you'll be surprised by what you bring to the Career Center next semester.
Get pumped for the holiday season! (source)
Enjoy your time at home! It's been great spreading Career Center cheer throughout this semester~~

Thanks for reading and see you in January!

Nina Joung
Class of 2018

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