Tuesday, December 1, 2015

What are you doing after graduation?

It seems for many Tufts seniors the same question keeps popping up. While our lucky friends who aren't seniors get to answer fun questions like, "What were you for Halloween?" or "What's your spirit carb?" (I kid you not), seniors are usually asked, "What are you doing after graduation?" If you're a senior and that question doesn't make you nervous or weigh on your mind, congratulations. However, for some seniors, this first job search is taking up ample amounts of time whether it's identifying interesting positions, filling out applications, preparing for interviews, or sending follow up emails.

The job search can be especially stressful and time consuming, as graduation gets closer and closer (lol guys, it's in May). When we entered college, getting a job after graduation was daunting as the recession suppressed many companies' abilities to hire entry-level employees. However, according to USA Today there are some promising statistics about the job search for the class of 2016. So, have no fear! In this post I will focus on tips that will make the job search easier, as well as resources that are available to help you know what to expect and get fully prepared.

"Jumbo Jobs, Jumbo Jobs, Jumbo Jobs"

Jumbo Jobs
I'm declaring this the greatest resource for any Tufts student, especially since you can access Jumbo Jobs from the comfort of your bed. Before you start binge-watching Gilmore Girls for the fifth time, you should definitely check out Jumbo Jobs. I could dedicate a three-part series to all the features of this great resource, but for now I'm just going to list some specifics that will especially help seniors in the job hunt:

  1. Job postings- Of course, we all know that there are job and internship postings on Jumbo Jobs. An overlooked detail within the postings is that the recruiter/contact for Tufts students is listed in the job description in Jumbo Jobs. So when you are writing cover letters, or would like to get in touch with someone at the company, feel free to use this information to reach out. You should always try to address your cover letter to someone specific at the company. Even if you aren't interested in the position posted, you could still contact the recruiter for an informational interview about the company and other roles that exist. Usually this contact is the person responsible for recruiting Tufts students, so it's a great way to network.
  2. Update your Jumbo Jobs profile- If you allow for recruiters to view you through Jumbo Jobs they can invite you to resume drops and recruiting events. Make sure to upload your resume and list your activities and interests for recruiters to view! You can even view which recruiters are looking at you, and if you're interested in them, reach out.
  3. Use the favorite and saved search features- Favoriting jobs that you're interested in or marking them for later is useful.  And, if you don't want to keep logging in to conduct a search, create saved searches so that results will appear in your email inbox.
Don't feel limited by Jumbo Jobs if you don't find postings for positions that you are interested in. Be sure to look at LACN (Liberal Arts Career Network), Careers A-Z, and other resources on the Tufts Career Center website. Here is list of resources other than Jumbo Jobs that will help you research and find potential job opportunities.

"Don't mind me, just looking for a job"

Campus Events
Career Center events (we're already scheduling spring events - the Spring Career Fair is Wednesday, February 10 in Gantcher!) and other events sponsored by departments provide places for networking and resources for the job search. Be sure to stay in the loop by subscribing to the Career Center's enews to get the update for events coming up each week. You can also stay in the loop by following the Career Center on Twitter and Facebook. Staying informed is a great way to learn about positions you might be interested in, or what it's like to work at companies in industries of your choice. Campus events are especially great because much of the time the people speaking are Tufts alumni. Jumbos always want to help Jumbos!  So, go out and network and learn more about the post-grad life to understand how people's career paths have led to where they are today.

The November 14 Senior Career Launch was a great event that I knew about from reading Career Center enews.  The Center hosted alumni and guest speakers who discussed how to navigate life after college.  There was advice on entering the work force, personal finance, and simple ways to negotiate a salary that will help you go a long way after graduation.

Master Excel Sheet
Every senior before us has gone through this same exact process. After speaking to a few recent grads they all recommended using an Excel spreadsheet to track applications for multiple jobs. Excel is great for recording contacts at different companies, viewing deadlines at a glance, and tracking interview rounds. Make your job search easier by having all the details and contacts for your job search in one place that is easily accessible and organized. Since finals are coming up, it might be a useful project to implement over winter break. Oh, and remember that the Career Center is open during break!  If you haven't scheduled an appointment with a career advisor, break is a great time. Even if you aren't around Tufts you can schedule a phone, Skype or email appointment!

Alright seniors, don't let "senioritis" take over. There is light at the end of the tunnel! Each week, take steps to advance your job search. This can range from baby steps such as updating your LinkedIn profile or bigger steps such as contacting recruiters and alumni at companies that interest you. Be sure to figure out when the companies you are interested in are hiring because it can differ from field to field!

Carpe Diem,

Nicole Brooks
Class of 2016

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