Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tweeting your way to a career


What if I told you that you could use Twitter as a tool in your job search? If you’re as much of a Twitter-addict as me you would be pretty excited. Twitter is my favorite social media website for many reasons. It allows you to express your opinions, share interesting articles, stay up-to-date on the latest news, and, of course, post funny photos of animals doing cute things. The best part is, all of these posts stay at a concise 140 characters with no room to ramble on (I’m looking at you, Facebook).     

The uses for Twitter that I have listed above are not all-encompassing. Twitter is now emerging as the next great social networking job search tool, and people are getting hired every day. So, you might be asking, “Why not just use LinkedIn?” While LinkedIn is a great tool to display your work experience and credentials, Twitter gives you a voice to express your professional opinions and interests.  

I have compiled a list of dos and don’ts that may be helpful for those trying to navigate the job Twittersphere:

Do professionalize your Twitter bio
Include links to articles you have published, any electronic portfolios you have, blogs, and your LinkedIn profile. Mention your professional interests in a few lines, and include your location. When it comes to your username, stick to some variation of your name. Examples: @shivanishendye, @shivani_shendye, @shendye. As for your Twitter name, stick to your first and last name.

Don’t have the same account for your personal and professional interests
It’s ok to have two separate accounts. Don’t follow all your friends on your professional account. Instead, follow professionals in the industry you are interested in. Follow companies’ recruiting accounts too, as they often post jobs that are high-priority.

Don’t just retweet articles that you find interesting
While showcasing your professional interests is important, it’s even more important to share your ideas and opinions. If someone tweets something you find interesting, engage with them. The best way to form a connection with someone is to talk about something that you are both interested in.

Do follow these hashtags 
Public relations recruiter Lindsay Olson lists nine must-follow hashtags for job seekers and provides great advice for using hashtags successfully: http://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/outside-voices-careers/2014/01/27/9-must-follow-twitter-hashtags-for-job-seekers

Do have fun with it
Recruiters want to see that you have a personality. While it is important to keep your account professional, don’t forget to have a sense of humor. Share your passions and show that you are part of a greater community. Networking goes both ways, so don’t be afraid to start conversations with other people who are doing interesting work.

Good Luck!
Shivani Shendye
Tufts ‘17

Shivani is a rising Junior at Tufts studying Economics and International Relations. She enjoys all things listenable including but not limited to music, podcasts, and audiobooks. This summer you can find her working the front desk of the Career Center, strolling the streets of Boston, attending concerts, or enjoying ice cream just about anywhere.


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  • Tweeting your way to a career            What if I told you that you could use Twitter as a tool in your job search? If you’re as much of a Twitter-addict as me you would be pretty excited. Twitter is my favorite social… Read More