Some of you are probably half way to Cancún by now, but even if you aren't going somewhere sunny I do hope that you take time to treat yourself this coming week.
As for me, I'll be back home in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, which is not exactly The Excitement Capitol of The World. I mostly anticipate spending way too much time on Tumblr, finally catching up on my shows, and going to the mall. Oh, and I'll be actively looking for a job because I'm a senior and graduation inches closer and closer each day. That too.
Thinking about that frightening fact gave me a brilliant idea - why not combine my penchant for internet browsing with the job search? I can use YouTube both to procrastinate and to further my career development! Two birds with one stone. I'm a genius
If you're also spending Spring Break in cyberspace rather than at the beach, I've compiled a list of helpful YouTube videos that might shed some light on the mysteries of the job search.
Heads up: I know that our net attention spans are pretty limited, so I made sure that all the videos are around five minutes or less. You're welcome.
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12 minute long video? Who do you think I am? Source |
SCHEDULING YOUR JOB SEARCH The job search is pretty complicated, and it can be really overwhelming. If you've found yourself stressed and unable to stop procrastinating, maybe following these tips will help you feel like you have more of a game plan.
USING LINKED IN TO FIND A JOB I'm a big fan of visual learning, and infographic-style videos with calming music are right up my alley. If you feel the same, definitely check out this video. It's a fantastic overview of how you can use LinkedIn strategically to find a job you'll love.
8 TIPS FROM PEOPLE WHO FOUND DREAM JOBS is one of the best job search websites for people who are concerned with making the world a better place. Their YouTube channel is full of great advice, all presented in a visually pleasing manner.
KEEPING MOTIVATED DURING JOB SEARCH This video from Monster UK is a quick run-down of what to do when you feel like job searching is the worst thing in the world. A lot of these tips are common sense, but you'd be surprised by how easy it is to neglect simple things when you're stressed. Also, this video features pleasant English accents, so that's a plus!
SNAGAJOB'S WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR This video includes cheesy acting, which is always entertaining. Besides that, Snagajob's perspective is valuable because they have tips on how to stand out to employers. Standing out is especially important when you're applying to particularly competitive jobs, since you could be one of many with similar experiences.
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We can find jobs, we have the technology! Source |
Bonus Video: Obviously I have to link to Buzzfeed because this is what life in 2015 has become. Have a laugh to make yourself feel better about not having a job yet!
Bonus Part 2: This excitable Youtuber offers a very unique spin on the job search. I won't spoil it by saying anything else.
Signing off,
Kelly F. Vieira
Class of 2015