Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Welcome to the Real World

My name is Kelly Vieira, and I am a senior Political Science major with unofficial interests in English and Psychology.  I spend my free time geeking out over fictional characters, internet browsing, and making art. Currently, I find myself at a crossroads. The “real world” looms its ugly head as I try to navigate the so-called best years of my life.

As a senior, I feel like I should be filled to the brim with wisdom. In reality, it’s more a mixture of new knowledge, confusion, excitement, fear, and a sprinkle of stress on top for extra flavor. The past few years have included some of the best moments in my life so far, and some of the worst. These highs and lows have allowed me to learn a lot about myself and the world around me – something I guarantee will happen to every one of you in time.  Reality can be super overwhelming, but I’ve managed to get by and I’m excited for the future.

Pictured: Kelly being a "Real Adult".
Bonus nerd points if you can identify all three characters!

Before concentrating on that bright future, I’ll spend a moment on the past.

This past summer, I spent the majority of my time at home with my family in Pawtucket, Rhode Island (for Family Guy fans: yes it’s a real place, no there is no brewery). My hometown isn’t the most exciting place on Earth, but it has its own peculiar charm. Historically, it’s the home of the first textile mill in America. As the birthplace of the U.S. Industrial Revolution, I like to think of Pawtucket as a very small place with very big potential.  Insider tip: no one who lives in Pawtucket actually pronounces the “w”. It’s PAH-tucket, not PAW-tucket. The more you know!

While not wasting time on Tumblr, I actually held two different jobs during the summer months. The first was a virtual internship that I did with an amazing youth mobilization group called Americans for Informed Democracy ( I helped out with their social media accounts, which was great preparation for blogging. If you’re wondering what in the world a “virtual internship” is, have no fear! That post is on its way.

My other job was in the wondrous world of retail. What can I say about retail? Well, everything you’ve heard about it is true. I will leave it at that for now.

So, what exactly am I bringing to the table with this blog? My perspective will be multi-faceted to say the least. I will be writing as a senior, a first generation college student and child of immigrants, an eldest sibling, a minority, a budding adult, and an aspiring lawyer. That list makes me sound way more impressive than I actually am.

Adulthood and all its trappings are both exciting and terrifying. Maybe reading my trials and tribulations will make you feel better about it. At least you won’t feel as bad when you have a miniature nervous breakdown. Underclassmen or upperclassmen, we can all get through it. All aboard the struggle bus!

Welcome to my journey through senior year/life. I hope you join me on this adventure full of fear, wonder, discovery, and magic*! At the end of it all, I’ll leave this campus and officially start my life in the “real world”.

*actual magic not guaranteed!

Or, in the wise words of John Mayer, maybe “there’s no such thing as a real world” after all. The best years are yet to come.

Signing off,
Kelly Vieira
Class of 2015

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