Wednesday, September 17, 2014


149 companies are registered for the 
Tufts Career Fair on October 1, 
two weeks from today!  

Prepare for the Fair
So that means, if you haven't already done so, you need to start reviewing the list of companies in order to determine which tables you'll visit at the fair. Don't know how to work a career fair?  Check out an online workshop, attend Prepare for the Fair on Tuesday, Sept. 23, or watch a 4 minute Career Spot on Career Fair Success. 

Resume and Cover Letter Critiques
Resume and cover letter critiques are always available during daily drop-ins at the Career Center, and in Anderson, Halligan and Sci-Tech for engineers.  Over the next two weeks the Career Center is hosting Resume Critique Days, where the entire staff is available for 10 minute resume critiques (no cover letters please, in fact, cover letters aren't necessary at most career fairs). The difference between drop-ins and Resume Critique Days?  Drop-ins are 15 minute consults with a counselor about any topic and happen every day in the Career Center, while Resume Critique Days offer 10 minutes - resumes only and only happen prior to our Career Fair. 

Interviewing (I've reserved the most space in this post because if you plan to attend the Career Fair, you can't overlook the importance of preparing for interviews!)
Never underestimate the power of your resume and cover letter.  In other words, as soon as you submit an application for a job or internship, you are in the running for an interview.  Students usually spend a lot of time honing the resume and writing cover letters and less time practicing for interviews.  Don't wait until you have an interview to practice for an interview.  And, practice isn't really practice unless you are practicing out loud with a partner.  Schedule a 30 minute career counseling appointment to discuss interviewing tips, schedule an hour mock interview with the option of videotaping the experience to review for feedback, and seek out other ways to practice.  Ask a family member to practice via Skype or on the phone (especially if you have a Skype or phone interview).  Ask a friend or roommate to role play with you.  Finally, ask a former supervisor or colleague to conduct a practice interview with you.  There are different types of interviews and different types of interview questions, and interviews require research about the company, industry and job.

Hope to see you at the fair!

Nicole Anderson
Assistant Director
Tufts Career Center

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  • 149! 149 companies are registered for the  Tufts Career Fair on October 1,  two weeks from today!   Prepare for the Fair So that means, if you haven't already done so, you need to start reviewing the … Read More