Thursday, September 15, 2011

Interested in Consulting? Learn More at a Lively “Un-Panel”

What’s an ‘un-panel’? Find out on Monday evening, Sept. 26, when we immerse you in the world of consulting without the formal structure that characterizes many career presentations. Instead, you can chat with consultants, ask what’s on your mind, and gain first-hand perspective to complement what you’ve learned from Vault, Spotlight on Careers, and other helpful resources. Some of our invited guests graduated in 2011 and 2010, so they understand where you are right now.

Register today to join more than 20 consultants and recruiters from 13 organizations, most of them hiring at Tufts right now. See list of participants.

Careers in Consulting: An Evening of Networking
Monday, Sept. 26. 6:30-8:30pm, Alumnae Lounge
Join employers and alumni for small group discussion about applying for jobs, interviewing, and consulting career paths.
Networking Workshop: 6-6:30pm, Remis Sculpture Court.
Get last-minute tips to help you make a great impressio

When we’ve offered consulting events in the past, we often heard from students that they didn’t get an opportunity to speak with someone in particular or couldn’t ask a specific question. That’s why we’ve created an un-panel for you: an evening of networking where you’re in control of your own agenda ~ who’s on it and what to address.

Eager? Curious? Intimidated? Wherever you are on the spectrum, Career Services can help. Please review our “must-do” steps to prepare and come early to get networking tips before the event.

Consulting is a broad term. Many students think it means strategy or management consulting; however, the industry is far more diverse. You’ll see this diversity when you study the backgrounds of the alumni and the firms who are coming to Careers in Consulting. Be open to this breadth, rather than limiting yourself. This advice comes directly from consultants themselves.

Consulting firms have distinctly different practice areas and clients. Do you enjoy quantitative work but have no interest in Wall Street? Take a look at Cambridge Associates which offers investment consulting for a range of clients from nonprofits to government agencies. Putnam Associates has branded itself as “consultants to the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.” For technology types, Exeter Group specializes in IT consulting (Pam Tarro, Recruiting Director, also stipulates that they’re open to liberal arts students and encourages all majors to review their postings).

There are dozens of opportunities posted at Tufts Career Connect. For a quick search, click on Campus Interviews and Resume Drops.

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