Monday, June 13, 2011

Dress for Success: The Interview and Beyond

You have an interview coming up...great! You'll read about the interview process, practice questions, and schedule a mock interview with Career Services. Once you're feeling ready to go, how do you choose an interview outfit that will match your confidence and professionalism?

According to, 87% of employers have interacted wtih job applicants who dressed inappropriately for the interview. Sounds pretty high, huh? However, not every mistake is as blatant as wearing mismatched socks or a super-short skirt. I once had lunch with an employer who told me that he was distracted by a Tufts candidate's perfume, not only because the scent was overwhelming, but it made him think of an ex-girlfriend! In Career Services, we like to remind students that personal appearance, which includes anything from attire, shoes and jewelry to makeup, hair and perfume/cologne, should not distract from the goal of your interview - to make a great impression.

As you're preparing for your interview, here are some "Dress for Success" tips for both women and men:Dress for Success - Women
Dress for Success - Men

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