The Tufts Career Center can help you with all facets of career development:
▪ Career Coaching
▪ Job and Internship Listings
▪ Campus Recruiting
▪ Resume and Cover Letter Preparation ▪ Interviewing Tips
▪ Applying to Grad School
and much more!
From your first year to your last, and even after you graduate, we can help you in making career decisions, exploring careers, setting goals, and developing skills and strategies to realize these goals.
Did you know that recycling is a $238 billion industry employing more than 1 million people? While "going green" is often associated with recycling, there are many career fields worth exploring that didn't exist 5-10 years ago. For example, do you know any wind resource analysts? They're the people who assess potential wind farm projects using meteorological data. In their book Green Jobs: A Guide to Eco-Friendly Employment, Llewellyn, Hendrix and Golden dispel a common myth by pointing out that the job growth we’re seeing in this industry isn’t limited to “strictly green” jobs; rather, there are openings for environmentally conscious researchers, accountants, managers, and more.
Are you interested in finding organizations whose missions align with your environmentally-minded values? Consider researching employers using websites like, which lists companies that donate one percent of their profits to environmental causes, and The Carbon Disclosure Project, a site that allows users to track the progress of 2500+ companies that have chosen to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and corresponding climate change plans.
Also, check out our subscription the Vault Online Library, featuring 90+ downloadable PDF career guides packed with useful info. Create an account with your Tufts email, log in, and click "Guides." In particular, you may want to look at the following: - Guide to Environmental Careers - Guide to Green Programs
Remember: Career advisors are prepared to discuss your field(s) of interest, whether it's green jobs or something completely different. Give us a call at 617.627.3299 to schedule an in-person, phone or email appointment.
Words from Our Very Own Study Abroad Expert, Sheila Bayne For a full taste of the abroad experience, there’s no better place to turnthan the worldly, abroad-minded experts themselves. I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing Tufts Director of Programs Abroad, Sheila Bayne, your n…Read More
My Experience with the Internship Search, Part IIHappy Thanksgiving (almost!) We hope you enjoy your time off and come back feeling rested and rejuvenated!How about eating a nice piece of pumpkin pie with some Cool Whip while you read Part II of Cara's experience with inter…Read More
My Experience with the Internship Search, Part IOh…the days when finalizing summer plans was as easy as sprawling green sleep-away camps and elaborate beach get-aways. As we near the pinnacle of our academic paths, many ambitious students choose to fill their time-offs wit…Read More
US vs. Spain: Career DifferencesAt this point in our college careers, we’re more or less familiar with the language of the US academic system. Waiting at the end of our 4-year trek is our parchment-sealed bachelors degree, proudly posted on office walls an…Read More