Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Spotlight on Green Careers

Did you know that recycling is a $238 billion industry employing more than 1 million people? While "going green" is often associated with recycling, there are many career fields worth exploring that didn't exist 5-10 years ago. For example, do you know any wind resource analysts? They're the people who assess potential wind farm projects using meteorological data. In their book Green Jobs: A Guide to Eco-Friendly Employment, Llewellyn, Hendrix and Golden dispel a common myth by pointing out that the job growth we’re seeing in this industry isn’t limited to “strictly green” jobs; rather, there are openings for environmentally conscious researchers, accountants, managers, and more.

Are you interested in finding organizations whose missions align with your environmentally-minded values? Consider researching employers using websites like, which lists companies that donate one percent of their profits to environmental causes, and The Carbon Disclosure Project, a site that allows users to track the progress of 2500+ companies that have chosen to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and corresponding climate change plans.

If these ideas sound good, you might also try... - World’s Most Innovative Companies - Scroll down to profiles of “The Green 50” - Good for searching organizations committed to social responsibility

Also, check out our subscription the Vault Online Library, featuring 90+ downloadable PDF career guides packed with useful info. Create an account with your Tufts email, log in, and click "Guides." In particular, you may want to look at the following:
- Guide to Environmental Careers
- Guide to Green Programs

Remember: Career advisors are prepared to discuss your field(s) of interest, whether it's green jobs or something completely different. Give us a call at 617.627.3299 to schedule an in-person, phone or email appointment.

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