Answered by: Donna Esposito, Tufts Career Services
Through generous donations from alumni, foundations and the Tufts Diversity Fund, Career Services is able to provide funding for up to 39 internships for the Summer of 2011. These grants offer students in AS&E the opportunity to explore career fields and gain experience through full-time, unpaid internships. Students must work a minimum of 350 hours (i.e. 35 hours/week for 10 weeks). Because the awarding of these grants is a competitive process, the following tips are provided to help make your application a strong one!
- Remember the basics: prepare a neat and well written application. We have to read yours, and many others...so please make it easy for us!
- Read the directions thoroughly and make sure you submit all components of the application (4 hard copies) by the deadline—April 1, 2011.
- Check with Career Services to make sure that both of your recommendation letters have arrived by the deadline. Ask people to recommend you who are familiar with your professional and/or academic strengths and skills. Two letters are required!
- Contact Career Services for alternative application procedures if you are studying abroad this spring and will not be here to submit hard copies of your application. Applying from abroad is absolutely possible for many students; however, it often takes a bit more time and planning.
- Have your resume critiqued in Career Services before submitting it as a part of your application.
- Spend some quality time on the learning contract! Identify what you would like to learn from the internship experience and how this relates to your career, and possibly academic, goals. Contact your internship site supervisor to discuss what his or her goals are for you, and how this learning will be accomplished throughout the internship. Be as specific as possible.
- Please include details on the type and amount of supervision you will receive, and from whom.
- Contact Career Services if you have any questions or concerns about your grant application. We are here to help!!