But before I overwhelm your sleepy summer brains, let me introduce myself! My name is Cara Paley and I am replacing recent graduate Kathy Seim as your new Tufts Career Services Ambassador, a position through which I use this blog as a handy (and semi-entertaining) means of exploring career-related topics. I am a Tufts junior majoring in both English and History. And, like the probable majority of us, I’m completely baffled when it comes to my own career path—and all impossible-to-avoid career talk for that matter.

But here’s a slight catch. While the majority of students will be reuniting with friends, professors, and (hopefully!) the personable Career Service staff, I’ll be about 3,500 miles away—in the bustling city of Madrid, Spain to be exact. While most of you will be dining in Dewick and dodging dorm bugs, I’ll be devouring paella, exploring discotecas, and babbling Spanglish to hordes of confused natives. And so you might be thinking—how might someone across the Atlantic be of any help? What can I possibly offer?
Well, the answer is clear and simple. While Career Services may seem limited to its physical offices, its resources and guidance span far past Dowling Hall—and Medford for that matter. Instead, whether you’re snowed in downhill or gallivanting through Europe, Career Services’ tremendous online resources are both useful and accessible, no matter your proximity to its hub. Despite the physical mileage, study abroad doesn’t have to signal a complete disconnect from Tufts and its handy student resources. From an 8-hour plane ride away, I promise to remain fully entrenched in the career whirlwind, consistently up-to-date with the office’s latest and greatest. And in the process I’ll offer a certain Spanish dazzle—a “perspectiva original” that comes with exploring life from an entirely new cultural lens.