Monday, September 20, 2010

Revamp your Resume!

You finally find that perfect job listing or awesome internship opportunity. A networking contact at last replies to your eager email with a promising, “I’m interested” response. And the Career Fair is just around the corner, the chance to meet recruiters and potential employers face-to-face. All you need now? A polished, perfected resume, a one-page document that markets you as just the guy or gal for the job. Unfortunately, fashioning that flawless, attention-grabbing resume is, as always, easier said than done.

That's where Career Services comes in. On September 22, 23, 27, and 28, Career Services will be holding its signature Resume Critique Nights in the Dowling Hall Resource Library (adjacent to Career Services in 740 Dowling). Between 3-7 p.m., stop by the office with a hard copy of your resume and receive helpful tips and advice from our well-informed Career Services staff. They’re proud experts in all resume makers and breakers-- your reliable “go-to” for any kind of resume check-up, question, or concern.

During Resume Critique Nights, a staff member will give you a quick review to cover the standout resume issues as well as the just-as-important nitty gritty. The staff can help you sharpen your resume content (hint: think active verbs; concise bullet points; tangible, specific examples). Likewise, they’ll lend insight into how to tidy up its presentation (cleanliness and consistency are always key).

So swing by the Dowling Hall Resource Library on any of the above dates to adjust and modify your resume to marketable perfection. Before long, you’ll have a catchy and concise resume fresh off the printer, all-set to impress any employer that comes your way.

Can't make any of the Resume Critique Nights? Career Services offers resume reviews every day! Call 617.627.3299 to schedule a session.

Check out our Extreme Makeover: Resume Edition post to see an example of what we can do for you.

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