Of course, it’s all-too-common for this event to come linked with hesitations and concerns. At an event like this, will I be just another number? Will my carefully constructed resume be thrown into a cluttered pile?

Prepare for the Fair teaches us that the exact opposite is true. While formal job/internship applications define us by our 1-page resumes, “meet and greet” Career Fairs are an opportunity to link our standard apps to a memorable, distinguishable face. Here, we have the chance to introduce ourselves, express our interests, and convincingly bridge ourselves to the job in-person. We can make ourselves “jump off the page” even before the employer takes a preliminary look.
So take it all in, and stop by our Prepare for the Fair program on Wednesday, September 29th, to be held 6-7 p.m. in Dowling 745. You’ll leave feeling more than ready to market yourself as an impressive candidate well-matched to the position.
Susannah says...
Thanks for the great information, Cara! To those who plan to attend the Fair on Friday, here are few more things to keep in mind:
-Can't attend the "Prepare for the Fair" event? Watch our online workshop to pick up some quick tips.
-Review the list of organizations attending the Fair and decide which ones you'd like to visit on Friday.
-Remember that the Career Fair is only one of many ways to explore career opportunities. The organizations that come to a fall career fair are the ones that are able to predict hiring needs in advance. Talk to someone in Career Services about hiring timelines for the career fields that interest you and how to develop your individual job or internship search.
-There will be a Career Services table at the front of Gantcher with staff members who can answer your questions and help you navigate Friday's Fair.