Friday, November 20, 2009

New Resource - Spotlight on Careers

Career Services held a focus group this past Monday to gather feedback from seniors about their expectations for the year. It’s no surprise, but an overwhelming number of students expressed anxiety about the upcoming job hunt. Although this apprehension is understandable, rest assured that there are plenty of resources you may take advantage of to make the process more manageable.

Hopefully by now, all of you are aware of the Career Services Web Resources available to you through Webcenter. Some of these include CareerSearch, Going Global and Internships USA. We are pleased to announce that we have added a new tool to the list called “Spotlight on Careers.”

Spotlight on Careers is part of the Liberal Arts Career Network, whose aim is to “position students and graduates for a competitive advantage in the global marketplace”…sounds pretty good to me.

To get started on your job hunt, choose from one of the many career categories offered to you, such as Business, Arts & Communication, Education, Science & Technology, and Government/Law/Social Services (each one is further broken down into multiple subcategories so that you may hone in on the particular job you are interested in researching). Once you have chosen a career field, you can start to learn about the specifics of that particular industry. Spotlight on Careers will provide you with an overview of the field, career options, current trends, types of employers, and advice from professionals working in positions that may interest you.

After you’ve finished doing a little background work, you may then click on the Jobs/Internship link. This will present you with a list of job/internship search engines that are specifically geared toward locating employment opportunities in fields that appeal to you. Whether you’re a first year student or a senior, it’s a great career research tool!

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