Monday, October 19, 2009

Job Search Boot Camp for Seniors - Registration opens today!

If you're a senior, you may be getting some of those inevitable senior year questions; in fact, perhaps you've already been asked the most common question - "What are you going to do after graduation??"

Flashback to my senior year in college - home for winter break
Well-meaning friend of the family: "Susannah, what are you going to do after graduation?"
Me: "Errr... ummm.... well, I did work at Dairy Queen for 2 years in high school... perhaps they're looking for someone with Blizzard-making expertise?"

Okay, so that's a slight exaggeration, but it doesn't change the fact that I really didn't know how to answer the question. I'd never set foot in the career center at my university, and I was pretty intimidated by the whole "life after college" idea.

Does this story sound familiar? If so, you're in luck! On November 6, Career Services will host a small group of seniors for Job Search Boot Camp - a half day crash course in job search topics. Participants will receive a resume review, learn about crafting effective cover letters, make a practice networking phone call to a Tufts alumnus/a, discuss job search strategies, and engage in a mock interview with a career advisor. Boot Camp is geared toward seniors who are new to Career Services or haven't been to see us in a while.

Check out the Upcoming Events section on the Career Services home page at for complete details and registration information. If you have any questions, just email me -

Here's what some past participants had to say about the program:

“I was very satisfied with Job Search Boot Camp. I really liked that the program was offered to a relatively small group so that everyone had a chance to ask questions. I think the half-day format was also great because all of the "pieces" of the job search came together and I was able to leave feeling confident that I know how to move forward in the search.”

“I thought the day went really well- the speakers were effective in getting their points across- and I left feeling more educated and informed.”

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