A record breaking 130+ companies will attend Tufts' annual career fair tomorrow in Gantcher Center from 12:30-4pm. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to speak with company representatives and hiring managers - all without leaving the comfort of your own
backyard campus!
2012 Tufts Career Fair Logo |
If you haven't already, check out the
2012 Career Fair Guide for company bios, positions available, and majors sought. A more complete list of organizations, as well as a breakdown of organizations by industry, can be found on the
Career Fair Homepage.
Not sure what to bring, say or do?
Watch our online workshop on how to "work" a career fair!
Also, be sure to review our past career fair posts:
Prepare for the Fair - Do Your Homework
Prepare for the Fair - I'm Here! Now What?
Top 10 Reasons to Attend the Tufts Career Fair