I’m here to suggest that you consider an option that may not have crossed your mind before – working for the government. Are you groaning yet? Hear me out. There are a lot of misconceptions about federal jobs flying around out there. You may have heard that you'd be resigned to working in D.C., that they all entail soul-sucking desk work, or that they pay next-to-nothing. Not true!
I urge you to take a look at sites such as wherethejobsare.org and makingthedifference.org. They help to dispel a lot of the myths about federal employment with a variety of uplifting facts and figures. Consider the following:
- the retirement of baby boomers means that the government needs to hire tens of thousands of new employees…and quickly!
- paltry paychecks are a myth – in fact, government salaries are comparable to those in the private sector; you also have access to great benefits and job stability
- the government may be able to help you pay back student loans – or even foot the bill for grad school!
- 85% of government jobs are located outside of D.C; there are also opportunities to work abroad